The Mayor presides at all meetings of the Board and is recognized as the official head of the Town for all ceremonial purposes. The Mayor only votes on matters in the case of a tie vote by the Town Council. The Mayor Pro Tem serves in the absence of the Mayor.
The Town Council acts in a number of ways to provide policies for the Town. The adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions are two of the ways Council acts. A municipal Ordinance is a rule, law or statute by a municipal legislative body. A Resolution is a formal expression of the opinion or will of an official municipal body adopted by vote. A Proclamation is a public or official announcement of a matter and issuance of a document recognizing the importance of a community event, or significant achievement by an individual or group. Municipal Government is regulated by North Carolina General Statute Chapters 132, 143 and 160A, and its Town Charter as established by the North Carolina General Assembly when incorporated.
Town Council holds their regular meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at 163 Main Street, McAdenville, NC 28101.
In addition to the regular monthly meeting, the Council may call for Special meetings at any time. The Mayor or two Council members may call a Special Meeting by completing a Special Meeting Notice. The Special Meeting Notice will contain the date, agenda items, time and location of the meeting. The Notice must be posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date and time. The Special Meeting Notice will be posted at Town Hall, placed on the website, and emailed to anyone on the Sunshine List who has requested notification. To be placed on the Sunshine List, please email the Town Clerk at and request to be added to the Sunshine List.
In rare and unusual situations, the Council can call an Emergency Meeting. In order for an Emergency Meeting to be called, the purpose must concern generally unexpected circumstances and must require immediate Council consideration that can’t wait the 48 hours required for a Special Meeting. The meeting may be held as quickly as the Council members can be gathered but no earlier than six hours after the Emergency Meeting is called. The only notification required for an Emergency Meeting is that of the media; every attempt will be made to notify the Sunshine List.